Well, this is how the story goes, when I was away for duty, on that particular evening. My wife was vacuuming the carpet in the hallway right past the kitchen and right before the main bathroom on the north end of the mobile home. She didn't have to go quite to the bathroom, because in front of the bathroom, the floor was tiled. She was facing the bathroom side, vacuuming, and as she turned around, she confronted face to face with a man standing right behind her. I mean like, right behind her. She said that she was looking at the floor as she was vacuuming and as she turned around, she saw his body. I asked her, "Did you look up to see his face?" She said, "No". She was way too frightened to even begin to look up. She just saw him from the middle of his chest and on down. I asked her, "was he solid, or could you see through him, was he a real person?" She said, She didn't know. He looked real. I asked, "As real as when you're looking at me?" She said, "Yes". I asked what was he wearing. She said that he was wearing blue jeans, a belt, and a tucked in plaid long sleeve shirt .
She said that he was
real tall, and that's one of reasons why she didn't look up to see his face.
She said that she was so shocked to see someone standing right behind her that
she turned right back around. She then closed her eyes and counted to 10.
When she was done counting, she turned around, and he was gone. I asked her,
"Are you absolutely sure that you really saw some standing right
there?". She was sure beyond a shadow of a doubt. She saw
him crystal clear, standing right there. I asked her if the living room was
left open or something. She said the door was still dead bolted locked, and the
security chain was secured, left untouched. She checked all the windows to be
sure. All the windows still had all the window locks still locked, secured in
I thought for a minute and realized that my dog was lying on the bathroom floor. Right there in that same hallway. He stays there on the tile floor, because the floor's cold and it's also quiet in there. If someone had even as so much as attempted to enter my home, my dog would've sensed it long before any of us humans would have. He was a large, strong working type dog, and would have ripped any intruder to shreds if they even as so much have tried to sneak into my home.
I can recall when I first moved into that mobile home. I had a conversation with the next door neighbor. My neighbor told me during the course of our conversation, that the previous occupant in my home some time back, had past away. At the time, I didn't cared to ask my neighbor if the person had died in the home, I seriously doubt if he did. Maybe, just maybe, that had something to do with what my wife saw there on that evening. I guess that I'll never really know for sure.
I think that for the most part, we're only exposed to a small portion of what really goes on in the world around us. At times, and if the circumstances are just right, we're able to see a bit more
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