Interesting Sunrise on Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Sometime around then time frame of March of 2012,
early in the morning, I found myself on the Army military base, Fort Bragg,
North Carolina. As I was about to drive east down the Long Street, from Gruber
road, I came face to face with the most interesting looking sunrise I have
yet to see in all my years being there. There was sort of a cloudy over cast,
and when the sun was rising over the horizon, it appeared as if the sun was
pushing the oppressing clouds up. I've never seen this before, and I thought,
if I don't capture this on film, I might not ever have the opportunity to
view this in the same circumstance like this ever again. As quickly as I
could, I parked my car in the parking right across the street and got my camera
out. I was able to snap this picture.
Not quite as impressive as when I first noticed it but close enough.
There are other information in this military bases in North Carolina website. But thank you so much for your information too. I liked the article very much.